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Industry news

With the low carbon economy and environmental protection listed in the "12th Five-Year plan" of the government, the slow development of renewable energy power generation grid connection has begun to enter the mandatory stage.

The National Energy Research Institute of energy system research office official told the "China Times" reporter revealed that the current low carbon economy and environmental protection will be included in the "12th Five-Year" plan, the government will take some mandatory policies and measures to promote to promote the use of renewable energy and clean energy. The Renewable Energy Research Institute deputy director of the national development and Reform Commission Energy Development Center Ren Dongming said, in order to complete the clean energy accounted for 15% of the total primary energy consumption, national renewable energy and power generation will be issued online quota on the power grid and power generation companies, power grid construction costs and subsidies.

Surfing the Internet by quota system

"China is facing a very severe energy situation, so China has established the goal of low carbon economic development. The '12th Five-Year' plan will be integrated into low carbon planning, and the target of reducing 40%-45% in 2020 will have a full impact on the economy. It is no doubt that the "12th Five-Year" plan is included in the energy conservation and emission reduction as a constraint index. " Jiang Kejun, director of the energy system research office of the Energy Research Institute of the national development and Reform Commission, pointed out.

Renewable energy as an important support of low carbon economy, from 2007 onwards, the government began to give priority to the acquisition of the requirements of the power grid renewable energy power generation projects, these projects including hydropower, wind power, biomass power, solar power, ocean power and geothermal power generation 6. Among them, in addition to large and medium-sized hydroelectric power generation, renewable energy generating units do not have to participate in the internet bidding, and the power grid enterprises need to buy and arrange scheduling priority.

But the current situation is that the Power Grid Corp's unwillingness to buy renewable energy has not been solved.

Ren Dongming said that in order to achieve the goal of clean energy accounts for 15% of the total energy consumption, the government is studying a series of promotion policies to solve the problem that the power grid is unwilling to acquire its electricity quantity in the process of large-scale installation of wind power and solar energy.

It is reported that the state will carry out the quota system for the first time, which can be used as a full guaranteed purchase system for renewable energy power generation. At present, relevant departments are developing management methods for the quota system. The system requires that some of the power acquired by Power Grid Corp comes from renewable energy, or a certain proportion of power generation from renewable energy.

Allegedly, the national grid and southern power grid will bear the renewable energy generation Internet quota, the quota allocated to the provinces or regions of the Power Grid Corp, and then down the expenses, the state will set up a renewable energy development fund, extracted from a certain amount of subsidies for power grid construction.

The proportion of the grid will rise to 15%

In addition to enacting compulsory policies to guarantee the Internet access to renewable energy generation, the government will also make clear the proportion of renewable energy generation.

As early as September 2009, President Hu Jintao proposed at the United Nations Summit on climate change that China will vigorously develop renewable energy and nuclear energy, and strive for the proportion of non fossil energy to primary energy consumption will reach 15% in 2020. In the current plan, the proportion of non fossil energy in energy consumption will reach 10% in 2010.

According to Meng Xiangan, the vice director general of China Renewable Energy Society, 15% is the target of clean energy consumption for the total energy consumption in China, and according to the plan, this goal will be decomposed. Among them, water and electricity account for about 8%, nuclear power accounts for about 4%, and solar power and wind power account for about 3%. The specific planning objectives are that the installed capacity of the hydropower plant reaches 300 million kilowatts, the installed capacity of nuclear power is 80 million kilowatts, the wind power is 150 million kilowatts, and the photovoltaic power is 20 million kilowatts. Meanwhile, in 2020, China's clean energy accounts for 15% of the total energy consumption. By 2030, clean energy can become an important alternative energy, and clean energy will become the main energy in 2050.

It is reported that the above plan has been reported, but it has not yet been approved.

If we want to achieve the goal of 15%, the government will also invest relevant funds to solve the energy storage problems of intermittent renewable energy such as wind and solar energy, and the technical problems of large-scale grid connection. An expert in the macro room of the Academy of Social Sciences told reporters.

Government subsidized fund

The government, in addition to its policy determination to develop renewable energy, also plans to provide more financial support to this area.

According to Ren Dongming, the Ministry of finance has drafted the management of renewable energy fund collection. The government hopes to support the development of smart grid, off grid power generation and all kinds of new technologies. The approach may be released in the near future.

It is reported that the fund will share the cost of power grid acquisition of renewable energy, so that the power grid will have the enthusiasm to complete the acquisition. Its source of funds includes the special funds of the national fiscal annual arrangement and the additional income of renewable energy electricity price imposed according to law.

NDRC Energy Research Institute of environment and climate change research center director Xu Huaqing also revealed that the proportion of grid connected renewable energy increased from 10% to 15%, must be adjusted by a strong ability of power grid, improve power grid to reduce the self, to overcome the intermittent defects, therefore, the government will be on the grid upgrading investment subsidies.

According to data provided by Jiang Kejun, in those areas, by 2008, the national R & D investment reached 38 billion, while the US R & D investment was also 38 billion yuan.

At present, the cost structure of the power in the cost of coal has accounted for more than 2/3, but in recent years, coal prices soaring, resulting in thermal power industry continued operating pressure